Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What I will NOT be doing this weekend

I'll be mentally cheering Dennis George, Mike Vare, and 2,998 other riders Saturday. What is appropriately named "The Death Ride" is taking place in the Sierras this weekend. It's an annual cycling event that draws thousands of amateur riders and weekend warriors to the most grueling Century ride in America.

I'm not sure who came up with the course but it sells every December in a matter of hours. The task is simple - climb five amazingly scenic mountain passes in one day. The challenge though is that each pass are Category 1 or HC climbs (for those of you TdF fans out there). Here is a 2007 image of the kids standing on Carson Pass. Note the two dots over Nicholas shoulder...those are 18-wheeler trucks grinding up the last mile to the summit. You can't see the bottom of the pass because it is 17 miles and 3,000+ vertical feet below.

(Is Alexandra trying to push Nicholas off Carson Pass?)

I've attempted & completed the Death Ride 3x (2006, 2007, and 2008). The course completion rate is less than 60% for all the riders. Cycling in Alpine County literally rivals the hardest rides from the Tour de France (which I can't do in sub-seven hours in the middle of a 2,200 mile, 3-week race). The elevation chart is enough to scare most away. My first year I literally broke down in tears of joy at the top of the final pass - could not believe I finished (riding time of 9:20). Knowing the course for 2007, I invited some Ironman triathlete pals of mine - Jim Barkow and Eric Raffini to join me. Both of them are amazing athletes. Despite completing a Half-Ironman the weekend before, Eric crushed both of us. I was psyched to take 30 minutes off my 2006 time.

(Jim, Matthew, & Eric)

Hmm - 2008...I convinced Jim to come back and make up for his 2007 post-ride sickness (which I thought was hilarious). Jim was able to track the first portion of the ride from his new Garmin GPS. Passes 1-4 were amazing and not a single rider passed us while we were passing hundreds of others. Temperatures were in the mid-90's by the time we started the final pass around 2pm. I was holding my own (i.e. my heart rate was around 160 while Jim was a cool & calm 135 or so) climbing out of Woodford's Canyon. And then I bonked. The last 8 miles for me were complete hell while Jim was able to 'dance on the pedals' in his big ring and beat me to the top of Carson by 30+ minutes. While it was not Phil Liggett & Bob Roll covering the story, my 15 minutes of (shame) is a great souvenir that I actually love.

So brother Bob called me a few days after DR '08 and told me about the Hope Ride. He asked if I would consider doing it in 2009. My reaction (and flashbacks of the recent bonk) was quick and simple, 'You start training now and I'll be there!' This was Day One of TEAM BOB for the 2009 Pan Ohio Hope Ride.

Safe training,

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Cant wait for the ride - Death Ride sounds insane - someday!
